Peer-reviewed publications
- Constancio, N. , Higgins, D., Hausbeck, M., Szendrei, Z. (2023) Managing insect and plant pathogen pests with organic and conventional pesticides in onions. Journal of Economic Entomology, 116(6): 2116–2123.
- Brainard, D.C., Hayden, Z.D., Benzle, M.M., Metiva, M., Appenfeller, L.R. , Szendrei, Z. (2023) Strip tillage and zonal cover cropping effects on organic squash production. HortScience, 58(2):197-204.
- Constancio, N., Higgins, D., Hausbeck, M., Szendrei, Z. (2022) Onion thrips (Thysanoptera: Thripidae) host plant preference and performance are mediated by a facultative plant pathogen of onion. Environmental Entomology, 51(6), 1158-1165.
- Appenfeller, L., Brainard, D.C., Hayden, Z.D., Szendrei, Z. (2022) Beneficial and pest arthropod responses to tillage and cover crop residues in organic cucurbits. Environmental Entomology, 51(6), 1182-1190.
- J. Zavalnitskaya, E.H. Bloom, Z. Szendrei (2022) Non-host habitat at local and landscape scales promotes overwintering success of a specialist insect pest. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, 338: 108114.
- J. Walters, J. Zavalnitskaya, R. Isaacs, Z. Szendrei (2022) Heat of the moment: extreme heat poses a risk to bee-plant interactions and crop yields. Current Opinion in Insect Science,
- E. H. Bloom, N. Constancio, K. C. Hauri, Z. Szendrei (2022) A newly invasive species may promote dissimilarity of pest populations between organic and conventional farming systems. Ecological Applications, 32(5): e2615,
- E. H. Bloom, K. K. Graham, N. L. Haan, A. R. Heck, L. J. Gut, D. A. Landis, M. O. Milbrath, G. M. Quinlan, J. K. Wilson, Y. Zhang, Z. Szendrei, R. Isaacs (2022) Responding to the US national pollinator plan: a case study in Michigan. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment, 20(2): 84-92,
- Hauri, K., Szendrei, Z. (2022) A meta-analysis of interactions between insect herbivores and plant-parasitic nematodes. Environmental Entomology, 51(1): 1-10,
- Bloom, E.H., Bauer, D.M., Kaminski, A., Kaplan, I., and Szendrei, Z. (2021) Socioecological factors and farmer perceptions impacting pesticide use and pollinator conservation on cucurbit farms. Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems, 5: 672981,
- Bloom, E.H., Wood, T.J., Keng-Lou, J.H., Ternest, J.J., Ingwell, L.L., Goodell, K., Kaplan, I., Szendrei, Z. (2021) Synergism between local- and landscape-level pesticides reduces wild bee floral visitation in pollinator-dependent crops. Journal of Applied Ecology, 58(6): 1187-1198,
- Stillson, P.T., Szendrei, Z. (2020) Identifying leafhopper targets for controlling Aster yellows in carrots and celery. In special issue “Organic Pest Management of Invertebrate Pests: A Frontier Borne of Constraints?” Insects, 11(7),
- Lund, M., Brainard, D., Coudron, T., Szendrei, Z. (2020) Predation threat modifies Pieris rapae performance and response to host plant quality. Oecologia, 193(2): 389-401, 10.1007/s00442-020-04686-w
- Stillson, P.T., Bloom, E.H., Gutierrez Illian, J., Szendrei, Z. (2020) A novel plant pathogen management tool for vector management. Pest Management Science, 76: 3729–3737,
- Appenfeller, L., Lloyd, S., Szendrei, Z. (2020) Citizen science improves our understanding of soil management on wild pollinator abundance in agroecosystems. PLoS ONE 15(3): e0230007.
- Wood, T.J., Kaplan, I., Zhang, Y., Szendrei, Z. (2019) Honey bee dietary neonicotinoid exposure is associated with pollen collection from agricultural weeds. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 286: 20190989,
- Grode, A.S., Brisco-McCann, B., Wiriyajitsonboom, P., Hausbeck, M.K., Szendrei, Z. (2019) Managing onion thrips can limit bacterial stalk and leaf necrosis in Michigan onion fields. Plant Disease, 103(5): 938–943, doi/10.1094/PDIS-07-18-1271-RE
- Ingrao, A.J., Walters, J., Szendrei, Z. (2019) Biological control of asparagus pests using synthetic herbivore-induced volatiles. Environmental Entomology, 48(1): 202-210
- Lund, M., Brainard, D., Szendrei, Z. (2019) Cue hierarchy for host plant selection in Pieris rapae (Lepidoptera: Pieridae). In Special Issue: Host plant selection and feeding ecology; Entomologia Experimentalis et Applicata, 167(4): 330-340, open access: DOI: 10.1111/eea.12772
- Dawidson-Lowe, E., Szendrei, Z., Ali, J.G. (2019) Asymmetric effects of a leaf-chewing herbivore on aphid population growth. Ecological Entomology, 44(1): 81-92
- Wood, T., Kaplan, I., Szendrei, Z. (2018) Wild bee pollen diets reveal patterns of seasonal foraging resources for honey bees. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution, 6:210, open access
- Buchanan, A.L., Grieshop, M., Szendrei, Z. (2018) Assessing annual and perennial flowering plants for biological control in asparagus. Biological Control, 127: 1-8
- Karp, D.S., Chaplin-Kramer, R., Meehan, T.D., …..Ingrao, A.J.,….Szendrei, Z…..(2018) Crop pests and predators exhibit inconsistent responses to surrounding landscape composition. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 115 (33), E7863-E7870
- Schoville, S.D., Chen, Y.H., Andresson, M.N., ….Szendrei, Z., ….Richards, S. (2018) A model species for agricultural pest genomics: the genome of the Colorado potato beetle, Leptinotarsa decemlineata (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae). Scientific Reports, 8: 1931, open access
- Grode, A.S., Chen, S., Walker, E.D., Szendrei, Z. (2017) Onion thrips (Thysanoptera: Thripidae) feeding promotes infection by Pantoea ananatis in onion. Journal of Economic Entomology, 110(6): 2301-2307
- Buchanan, A.L., Hermann, S.L., Lund, M., Szendrei, Z. (2017) A meta-analysis of non-consumptive predator effects in arthropods: the influence of organismal and environmental characteristics. Oikos, 126: 1233-1240
- Ingrao, A.J., Schmidt, J., Jubenville, J., Grode, A., Komondy, L., VanderZee, D., Szendrei, Z. (2017) Biocontrol on the edge: Field margin habitats in asparagus fields influence natural enemy-pest interactions. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, 243: 47-54
- Buchanan, A.L., Gibbs, J., Komondy, L., Szendrei, Z. (2017) Bee community of commercial potato fields in Michigan and Bombus impatiens visitation to neonicotinoid-treated potato plants. Insects, 8(1): 30
- Quinn, N.F., Brainard, D., Szendrei, Z. (2017) Floral strips attract beneficial insects but do not enhance yield in cucumber fields. Journal of Economic Entomology, 110(2): 517-524
- Hufnagel, M., Schilmiller, A., Ali, J., Szendrei, Z. (2017) Choosy mothers pick challenging plants: Maternal preference and larval performance of a specialist herbivore are not linked. Ecological Entomology, 42(1): 33-41
- Quinn, N.F., Brainard, D., Szendrei, Z. (2016) The effect of conservation tillage and cover crop residue on beneficial arthropods and weed seed predation in acorn squash. Environmental Entomology, 45(6): 1543-1551
- Brainard, D.C., Bryant, A.B., Noyes, C.D., Haramoto, E.R., Szendrei, Z. (2016) Evaluating pest-regulating services under conservation agriculture: A case study in snap beans. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, 235: 142-154
- Demeuse, K.L., Grode, A.S., Szendrei, Z. (2016) Comparing qPCR and nested PCR diagnostic methods for aster yellows phytoplasma in aster leafhoppers. Plant Disease, 100: 2513-2519
- Schmidt, J.M., Szendrei, Z., Grieshop, M. (2016) Elucidating the common generalist predators of Conotrachelus nenuphar (Herbst) (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) in an organic apple orchard using molecular gut-content analysis. Insects 7: 29, in Special Issue Biological Control of Invertebrate Pests
- Morrison, W.R., Ingrao, A., Ali, J., Szendrei, Z. (2016) Identification of plant semiochemicals and evaluation of their interactions with early spring insect pests of asparagus. Journal of Plant Interactions, 11(1): 11-19
- Wimer, A.F., C.R. Philips, T.P. Kuhar, J.C. Adams, Z. Szendrei (2015) A new tool for resistance management: Baseline toxicity, ovicidal activity, and field efficacy of the novel insecticide tolfenpyrad on Colorado potato beetle, Leptinotarsa decemlineata. Advances in Entomology, 3: 139-147
- Huseth, A.S., Petersen, J.D., Poveda, K., Szendrei, Z., Nault, B.A., Kennedy, G.G., Groves, R.L. (2015) Spatial and temporal potato intensification drives insecticide resistance in the specialist herbivore, Leptinotarsa decemlineata. PLoS One, 10(6): e0127576
- Morrison, W.R., Gibson, G.A.P., Szendrei, Z. (2014) The parasitoids of the asparagus miner (Diptera: Agromyzidae): field parasitism and the influence of food resources on the life history. Environmental Entomology, 43(6): 1526-1534
- Huseth, A.S., Groves, R.L., Chapman, S.A., Alyokhin, A., Kuhar, T., McRae, I.V., Szendrei, Z., Nault, B.A. (2014) Managing Colorado potato beetle insecticide resistance: new tools and strategies for the next decade of pest control in potato. Journal of Integrated Pest Management, 5(4): A1-8
- Morrison, W.R., Szendrei, Z. (2014) The Common asparagus beetle (Crioceris asparagi) and Spotted asparagus beetle (Crioceris duodecimpunctata) (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae): Identification, ecology, and management. Journal of Integrated Pest Management, 5(3): B1-6(6)
- Szendrei, Z., Bryant, A.B., Rowley, D., Furlong, M., Schmidt, J.M., and Greenstone, M. (2014) Linking habitat complexity with predation on pests through molecular gut-content analysis. Biocontrol Science and Technology, 24(12): 1425-1438
- Bryant, A.B., Coudron, T., Brainard, D., Szendrei, Z. (2014) Cover crop mulches influence biological control of the imported cabbageworm (Pieris rapae L., Lepidoptera: Pieridae) in cabbage. Biological Control, 73: 75-83
- Morrison, W.R., Andresen, J., Szendrei, Z. (2014) The development of the asparagus miner (Ophiomyia simplex Loew; Diptera: Agromyzidae) in temperate zones: a degree-day model. Pest Management Science, 70: 1105-1113
- Medina R.F., Szendrei, Z., Harrison, K., Isaacs, R., Averill, A., Malo E.A., Rodriguez-Saona, C. (2014) Population genetic structure of the North American native cranberry fruitworm, Acrobasis vaccinii (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae), from blueberries and cranberries. Entomologia Experimentalis et Applicata, 150:136-148
- Morrison, W.R., Szendrei, Z. (2013) Patterns of spatial and temporal distribution of the asparagus miner (Ophiomyia simplex Loew, Diptera: Agromyzidae): implications for management. Journal of Economic Entomology, 106(3): 1218-1225
- Douches, D.S., Coombs J.J., Felcher, K.J., Zuehlke, M., Pett, W., Szendrei, Z., Brink, J. (2013) Segregation and efficacy of the cry1Ia1 gene for control of potato tuberworm in four populations of cultivated potato. Journal of Economic Entomology, 106(2): 1025-1028
- Bryant, A.B., Brainard, D.C., Haramoto, E.R., Szendrei, Z. (2013) Cover crop mulch and weed management influences arthropod communities in strip-tilled cabbage. Environmental Entomology, 42(2): 293-306
- Herlihy, M.V., Van Driesche, R.G., Abney, M.R., Brodeur, J., Bryant, A.B., Casagrande, R.A., Delaney, D.A., Elkner, T.E., Fleischer, S.J., Groves, R.L., Gruner, D.S., Harmon, J.P., Heimpel, G.E., Hemady, K., Kuhar, T.P., Maund, C.M., Shelton, A.M., Seaman, A.J., Skinner, M., Weinzierl, R., Yeargan, K.V. and Szendrei, Z. (2012) Distribution of Cotesia rubecula (Hymenoptera: Braconidae) and its displacement of Cotesia glomerata in Eastern North America. Florida Entomologist, 95(2): 461-467
- Szendrei, Z. (2012) The impact of plant associations on Macrosteles quadrilineatus management in carrots. Entomologia Experimentalis et Applicata, 143:191-198
- Szendrei, Z., Grafius, E., Byrne, A., Ziegler, A. (2012) Resistance to neonicotinoid insecticides in field populations of the Colorado potato beetle (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae). Pest Management Science, 68: 941-946
- Szendrei, Z., Averill, A., Alborn, H., Rodriguez-Saona, C. (2011) Identification and field evaluation of semiochemically-based attractants for the cranberry weevil, Anthonomus musculus Say (Coleoptera: Curculionidae). Journal of Chemical Ecology, 37: 387-397
- Morrison, W.R., Tuell, J., Hausbeck, M., Szendrei, Z. (2011) Constraints on asparagus production: the association of Ophiomya simplex (Diptera: Agromyzidae) and Fusarium spp. Crop Science 51(4): 1414-1423
- McGraw, B.A., Rodriguez-Saona, C., Holdcraft, R., Szendrei, Z., Koppenhofer, A.M. (2011) Behavioral and electrophysiological responses of Listronotus maculicollis (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) to volatiles from intact and mechanically damaged annual bluegrass. Environmental Entomology 40(2): 412-419
- Rodriguez-Saona, R., Vorsa, N., Singh, A.P., Johnson-Cicalese, J., Szendrei, Z., Mescher, M.C., Frost, C.J. (2011) Tracing the history of plant traits under domestication in cranberries: potential consequences on anti-herbivore defences. Journal of Experimental Botany,62: 2633-2644
- Greenstone, M., Szendrei, Z.,Payton, M., Rowley, D., Coudron, T., Weber, D.(2010) Choosing natural enemies for conservation biological control: use of the prey detectability half-life to rank key predators of the Colorado potato beetle. Entomologia Experimentalis et Applicata 136: 97-107
- Szendrei, Z. and Rodriguez-Saona, C. (2010) A meta-analysis of insect pest behavioral manipulation with plant volatiles. Entomologia Experimentalis et Applicata 134: 201-210
- Szendrei, Z., Greenstone, M., Payton, M.E., Weber, D.C. (2010) Molecular gut analysis of a predator assemblage reveals the effect of habitat manipulation on conservation biological control in the field. Basic and Applied Ecology, 11: 153-161
- Szendrei, Z., Kramer, M., Weber, D.C. (2009) Habitat manipulation in potato affects Colorado potato beetle dispersal. Journal of Applied Entomology 133: 711-719
- Szendrei, Z., Malo, E., Stelinski, L., and Rodriguez-Saona, C. (2009) Response of cranberry weevil (Anthonomus musculus Say, Coleoptera: Curculionidae) to host plant volatiles. Environmental Entomology 38(3): 861-869
- Szendrei, Z., and Weber, D. C. (2009) Response of predators to habitat manipulation in potato fields. Biological Control 50: 123-128
- Kim, K. S., Szendrei, Z., Rodriguez-Saona, C., Mulder, P.G., Sappington, T.W. (2009) Molecular diagnostic for boll weevil (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) based on amplification of three species-specific microsatellites. Journal of Economic Entomology 102(2): 759-766
- Barbosa, P., Hines, J., Kaplan, I., Martinson, H., Szczepaniec, A., Szendrei, Z. (2009) Associational resistance and associational susceptibility: having right or wrong neighbors. Annual Review of Ecology, Evolution and Systematics 40: 1-20
- Szendrei, Z. and Isaacs R. (2006) Ground covers influence the abundance and behavior of Japanese beetle. Environmental Entomology 35(3): 789-796
- Szendrei, Z. and Isaacs R. (2006) Survey of Japanese beetle management practices in Michigan highbush blueberry production. HortTechnology Jan. – March 16(1): 83-88
- Szendrei, Z. and Isaacs R. (2005) Do plant cues influence the oviposition behavior of Japanese beetle? Entomologia Experimentalis et Applicata 117(2): 165-174
- Szendrei, Z., Mallampalli, N., and Isaacs, R. (2005) Effect of cultivation on abundance of Japanese beetle, Popillia japonica Newman (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae), in highbush blueberry fields. Journal of Applied Entomology 129(5): 258-264
- O’Neal, M.E., Zontek, E.L., Szendrei, Z., Landis, D.A., and Isaacs, R. (2005) Ground predator abundance affects prey removal in highbush blueberry (Vaccinium corymbosum) fields and can be altered by aisle ground covers. BioControl 50: 205-222.
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