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Adam Byrne was a research technician in the lab from 2009 to 2013.

Rob Morrison was a Ph.D. student in the lab 2010-2014. He is now a research scientist with the USDA, working on stored product pests in Kansas.

Alexandria Bryant was a M.S. student in the lab 2010 – 2013. She is now a 4H extension agent in Kentucky.

Dr. Diana Londono was a postdoc in the lab, 2010-2012. She is currently working for BASF in North Carolina.

Stephen Ireland was an undergraduate student working in the lab in 2013-2014. He is now a graduate student at the University of Michigan.

Adam Cortright was a research technician in 2013. He is now working in industry.

Monica Hufnagel worked in the lab as a research technician and was also a M.S. student from 2013 to 2015.

Dr. Jason Schmidt was a postdoc in the lab in 2014. He is currently an assistant professor at the University of Georgia.

Dr. Amanda Buchanan was a postdoc in the lab working with asparagus, 2015-2018. She is now employed by industry as an entomologist in Idaho.

Katie Demeuse was an entomology undergraduate student working in the lab, 2013-2015. After graduating with a B.S. in entomology, she was a lab tech in our molecular lab in 2015.

Jessica Kansman was an entomology undergraduate student working in the lab from 2013 to 2015. She is currently a postdoc at Penn State University with Dr. Sara Hermann.

Jeremy Jubenville was a M.S. student in the lab 2013 – 2015. He is now an MSU Extension Educator in Kalamazoo, MI.

Nicole Quinn was a graduate student in the lab 2013-2015, she graduated with a Master’s degree in Dec. 2015. She is currently a postdoc in Massachusetts. .

Ari Grode was a M.S. student in the lab 2015-2017, he is currently working in pest management at North Carolina State University.

Adam Ingrao was a Ph.D. student in the lab, 2014-2018. He is currently working for MSU Extension.

Tom Wood was a postdoc from 2017-2019. He is now a postdoc in Belgium working on bees.

Margie Lund was a Ph.D. student in the lab 2015-2019. She is currently working in extension at Cornell University.

Patrick Stillson was a M.S. student in the lab 2018-2020, he is now a PhD student in molecular entomology at the University of Texas-Austin.

Logan Appenfeller was a M.S. student in the lab 2018-2020. He is currently working for USDA-NIFA in Kansas City.

Eli Bloom

Eli Bloom was a postdoc in the lab 2019-2021. He is currently a postdoc at Cornell University.

Josh Snook

Josh Snook was a M.S. student 2018-2021, he is currently a research technician at Louisiana State University.