Extension Articles
- Squash bug management in Michigan
- Diseases and insects in Michigan cucurbits and their management
- Monitor for insect pests in your cucurbit crops
- Colorado potato beetle insecticide resistance management during warmer than normal temperatures
- Summer generation management of Colorado potato beetles
- Colorado potato beetle management in potatoes
- Colorado potato beetle insecticide resistance management
- How to manage the Colorado potato beetle’s summer generation
- Potato psyllid and zebra chip disease
- Cost effective thrips control, Part 1
- Cost effective thrips control, Part 2
- Learn how to scout for onion thrips in onions
- Insecticides for onion thrips management
Cabbage, brassica root crops
Celery, Carrot
- Aster leafhoppers in carrots and celery: To spray or not to spray?
- Aster leafhopper management guide
- Celery insect pest update for Michigan
- Aster leafhoppers are abundant in Michigan
Other vegetable insect management articles
- Chlorpyrifos banned on food crops
- Aphid management in vegetable crops
- Thrips and mite management in hot, dry weather
- Lorsban use in vegetables
- Got maggots in your vegetable field?
- Western bean cutworms are active in sweet corn
- Vegetable entomology insect tools
- Neonicotinoids and bees
- Broad mite: not your typical Michigan mite