Celery, Carrot
Oceana field day handout 2021
- Aster leafhopper management guide
- Celery aphid trial report 2013
- Celery research report 2012
- New product for two spotted spider mite control in celery
- 2012 IPM Alliance Tour Handout
- Celery insect update for Michigan
- Celery leaftier educational article
- 2012 Great Lakes Expo Abstract on aster leafhopper management
- 2012 IPM Alliance Tour Handout
- 2011 Oceana Field Day Handout on aster leafhopper management
- 2010 Aster leafhopper management study
- 2010 article on aster leafhopper and aster yellows index in Carrot Country
- Expo has got the goods article in Vegetable Growers News