Category: News
Congratulations to Ari Grode (M.S. grad student, on left) who was awarded the MI Vegetable Industry Scholarship ($1,500), which he received at a dinner held at the Great Lakes Expo on December 7, 2016. Ari’s graduate research is on untangling the relationship between onion thrips and bacterial leaf blight.
Lab alumni author pubs
Nicole Quinn and Monica Hufnagel, both former M.S. students in the lab, are lead authors of two new publications from their thesis research. Alex Bryant, also former M.S. student, is co-author on another publication form the research she did while in our lab. Check out the PDFs for all of these manuscripts here.
New USDA Funding
Our grant on organic squash management was funded by USDA-NIFA for 3 years. This project will investigate weed, disease, insect pests as well as pollinators in Michigan, Wisconsin and Indiana squash fields. Read more here and here.
Winning presentation
Congratulations to Ari Grode for winning 3rd place with his 10-min talk in the MSU Plant Science Graduate Student Symposium. His presentation was about the relationship between onion thrips and bacterial leafblight in Michigan onion fields.
Podcast with Adam
Click here to listen to an MSU podcast with VegEnt grad student, Adam Ingrao! Adam shares his experiences as a veteran and a graduate student working with asparagus pests and biocontrol.
Floral strips in cucumbers
An article entitled ‘Floral strips in cucumber fields’ was recently published, covering part of Nicole Quinn’s M.S. thesis research. To read the article click here.
New publication
Our new publication “Identification of plant semiochemicals and evaluation of their interactions with early spring pests of asparagus” by W.R. Morrison, A. Ingrao, J. Ali, and Z. Szendrei has been accepted for publication in the Journal of Plant Interactions.
Thesis defense
Congratulations to Nicole Quinn for successfully defending her MS thesis! Nicole’s graduate research focused on habitat management in cucurbits.
ESA student awards
Congrats to ESA graduate student competition 1st prize winners Ari Grode (MS) and Jessica Kansman (former undergrad). Ari won with his poster on onion thrips, and Jessica with her 10-min talk on celery leaftier pheromone.
Stateside interview about swede midge
Listen to the Stateside interview about Swede midge.