2013 Photos From left to right: Monica Hufnagel, Katie Demeuse, Adam Cortright, Zsofia Szendrei Jessica and Katie Lab at Monica’s party, Sep. 2013. Top row, left to right: Katie, Jessica, Nicole, Steve, Bill. Bottom row, left to right: Monica, Rob, Zsofia Lab at Monica’s party, Sep. 2013. Top row, left to right: Katie, Jessica, Nicole, Steve. Bottom row, left to right: Monica, Rob, Zsofia Rob and Zsofia on the last day of asparagus sampling, Sep. 2013. Lab lunch March 2013. From left to right: Katy Harma, Monica Hufnagel, Hahyung Kim, Clara Andrew-Wani, Alex Bryant, Rob Morrison, Jeremy Jubenville Lab lunch March 2013. From left to right: Katy Harma, Monica Hufnagel, Hahyung Kim, Clara Andrew-Wani, Alex Bryant, Zsofia Szendrei, Jeremy Jubenville.